Levantamiento 2001: Stop the Repression
(Hay más documentos disponibles en español)
- Agreement Between the National Government and the Native, Social, and Farmer Organizations of Ecuador (February 9, 2001)
- Indian Blood Yields Profits for the People of Ecuador (CONAIE, Quito, February 7, 2001)
- Minister of Social Welfare orders water and food suspension for the natives (Manuel Salgado Tamayo, February 7, 2001)
- Urgent, Urgent (CONAIE, Quito, February 5, 2001)
- Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (February 5, 2001)
- National unemployment and Mobilization of the Workers, Native Farmers and other social organizations
of the country (FUT, Quito, February 5, 2001)
- Rights of citizens of Ecuador are violated (CONAIE, Quito, February 3, 2001)
- The president of the National Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) arrested by government agents (CONAIE, Quito, January 30, 2001)
Other web sites with more information on this uprising:
Instituto Científico de Culturas Indígenas
Buenos Aires 1028 y EE.UU.
Casilla 17-15-50B
Telefax (5932) 229 093
E-mail icci@ecuanex.net.ec