Institute for Science and Indigenous CulturesI S I CAmawta Runakunapak YachayA R Y![]() The Institute for Science and Indigenous Cultures is a private non profit organisation which was legally came into being on the 12th of September 1986. The Institute functions as a scientific-technical centre by bringing together the thought and experiences of struggle connected to the organisational process of the different indigenous organisations. Structure ISIC is conformed of an interdisciplinary team of indigenous and non indigenous professionals with a long history of experience in the communities and with the indigenous peoples of Ecuador. These professionals have as their goal the initiating of activities, on the national and international, level related to the indigenous nationalities and peoples. Vision ISIC participates in the construction of a culturally, politically and economically pluralistic society, based on the harmony between the human community and the natural world. Mission ISIC is a network dedicated to the systematisation of the knowledge of the indigenous peoples by means of research, training, and spreading of information, revitalising the individual and collective identity. The Institute also provides technical assistance to public and private bodies on activities related to indigenous peoples, directing awareness towards overcoming marginalisation.. Objectives
Work Areas
1. Research In this area ISIC carried out rigorous studies and research which maintain the debate and analysis of questions related to the indigenous issue. 2. Training The principal activity of ISIC both on the organisational and technical levels; based on the priorities established by the organisations themselves and the population involved. 3. Technical Assistance
4. Documentation The systematisation and specialised ordering of documents and information is one of ISIC 's goals. Indigenous organisations have need of a Documentation Centre which can serve as a source of information and can be applied in the service of the public as a whole. 5. Publications and Distribution This area includes everything concerning the production, edition, and publication of studies and research carried out by ISIC and other sectors. The distribution and publicising of the information, especially with grassroots social sectors, is another task of the Institute. 6. Consultancy One of the Institute's activities in relation to other institutions and organisations whose work supports indigenous communities and peoples, as well as other social sectors , is the provision of technical consultancy, especially with regard to the following institutions and organisations: